Dave Cornthwaite

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My antiracism commitment

I’ve been writing this blog since last Monday, and although I’m not yet ready to articulately lay out my thoughts after a few days of learning and conversation I wanted to let you know that I’ve been working towards progress behind the scenes.

I’ve waited to address this publicly because words and social posts can be empty, and the action we need to take can’t afford to be pushed along on a bandwagon. I needed to be sure of what I was saying and how I was saying it, and most importantly, to be sure of how to act.

I still have a lifetime of learning ahead but I am starting to be aware of how to begin.

I’ve been aware of my own white privilege for years and have been determined to put that privilege to good use, but am only now conscious of just how complicit inaction makes me when it comes to race and racism.

A few years ago I founded a community called the YesTribe, which despite all good intention has grown as a majority white community.

I’m lucky enough to have a number of friends who lead ethnically and racially diverse communities and businesses. Very few of them are white.

But many have been very kind and patient these last few days, as I sought advice on the best way to activate my small platform.

As a group that encourages people to develop their relationship with nature, the lack of diversity in the YesTribe echoes the same issues in the adventure and outdoors space.

So we’re going to do something about this, starting with the following steps:

  1. To create a growing resource for our community to educate themselves on race and racism

  2. More talks, interviews and discussions with experts and role models, and a diversity platform to encourage people of all backgrounds to explore nature

  3. Live private video calls, not recorded, to further discussion within the YesTribe about the actions we can take against racism. (Please see the events list at the top of the YesTribe group on Facebook)

  4. This is small fry, but we’ve started an anti racism section in our YesTribe library on the YesBus, with active reading days on the bus when the easing of the COVID-19 pandemic begins.

I run the YesTribe voluntarily with a team formed entirely of those who have put their hands up over the years.

This team needs to grow and diversify. If you would like to contribute please drop me a line. Our arms are open to everyone.