
Five Quick Questions: Dave Cornthwaite

Each week I'll be asking someone who does cool things regularly to answer these five quick questions, which I hope will make them seem more normal.

I forgot to ask somebody else to do it before my first newsletter of the year went out, so I'll have to do as a starter. The rest of these will be much more interesting.


Dave Cornthwaite

How are you spending your time these days?: I'm taking a little break from 1000 mile trips for the first 3/4 of this year and am focusing on developing the YesBus - a countryside escape, coworking space and all-round creative hub. In between landscaping and chopping wood I'm slowly working out how to spend less time online. Somewhere along the way I forgot how to put aside some free time.

What's your favourite website?: Desert Island Discs on the BBC. 70 years of wonderful, insightful interviews with some good music thrown in. It's my favourite site at the moment:

What's one thing you need to change?: Honestly, there's too much to reasonably fit in here. I should cook more. Get more sun. Do regular exercise. Stop caring so much about what strangers on the Internet think. I'm a work in progress.

How often do you check your emails?: I've spent so many days getting sucked into an ever expanding black hole of emails and to-do lists, so now I check emails just two days a week. Hello, creativity!

Anything you want to plug?: The YesBus, it's a magical little place which can be booked by anyone who wants to get a group of friends, colleagues or strangers together in the countryside, to think and act a little more positively. I think it's the coolest thing I've ever had a part in creating. Find out more at