Thanks for being a lovely Guinea Pig :)

I’m pulling watchable versions of these together as soon as I can (bearing in mind I need to finish the course by Wednesday night!!)

Make a note of this url and come back frequently to find more films.

Below is a Course Rundown (you should expect a film for each of these lessons, plus a special guinea pig message from me!) and then you’ll find any films I’ve uploaded so far.

Finally, below the films, is a form. Feel free to fill this in as much or as little as you like. That’s where you can give me feedback. Don’t hold back!

  1. Introduction

  2. Setting Up: Battery, Memory & Apps

  3. Camera Settings: Resolution and Frame Rates (fps)

  4. The Camera App

  5. Slow-Mo

  6. Timelapse

  7. Introduction to iMovie

  8. Trailer Mode in iMovie

  9. Exercise: Make a Trailer

  10. Composition

  11. Mixing up the angles

  12. Filming a Short Scene

  13. Editing a Short Scene

  14. Talk through the film - establishing shot, near, far

  15. Exercise: Create a Short Film

  16. Audio: Capturing Good Sound

  17. Editing Audio

  18. Stability and Motion

  19. Filming with aTripod

  20. Editing Film with Tripod

  21. Talking through the new film

  22. Exercises