This should be the page where I send potential sponsors
Screenshot of website hits
I can do film
I take a mean photo
I know my way around social media
I drone
I care
I'm in this for the long haul. I wouldn't be able to make a living from this unless I looked after the companies who supported me.
When an idea starts to brew it always helps when someone else believes in it, and you. It's our prerogative to surround ourselves with good people, the ones who say yes and inject enthusiasm and momentum into a plan. Although on the whole I self-fund my trips the people, companies and organisations on this page have made my projects a success with their initiative, support and generosity.
I really enjoy creating content to support a product, service or idea that makes a difference. I've worked with over 50 brands over the past ten years, including Apple, Small Luxury Hotels of the World, Jawbone, Hammock Bliss, Keen Footwear, Aquapac, Powertraveller, Swifty Scooters, Inside Japan, Snow and Rock, Blacks and the West Sweden Tourist Board, producing professional images and films and words that are helpful for them as a brand, as well as being aligned with my mission(s).
Here are some examples of how I've worked with my sponsors and partners in the past.